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{ C' E S T L A V I E }
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25 mars 2012

Party, animals and colours

Party, animals and colours
The weekend started at Moderna Museet, where we dropped Lili off - she was invited to a birthday party there: 20 kids doing painting and drawing for over two hours...While this artistic activity was going on, we took the little ones to nearby Skansen....
17 mars 2012

Quiet Saturday

Quiet Saturday
After an early morning start, to deliver Lili to her scouts' headquarters - she was on her way to a week-end in the countryside with her group - we took it easy for the rest of the day with the little ones. The rest of the morning was filled with various...
11 mars 2012

Afternoon walk

Afternoon walk
After Lili's birthday celebrations - we took three best friends to the Natur Historiska Museum, had them over for dinner and cake, and they were also invited to stay over for the night...Given that we had to tidy up a bit (!) before the whole "event",...
11 mars 2012

Morning cycle

Morning cycle
No more snow on the gorund, no more ice, only a bit of gravel...Above zero temperatures, a bit of sunshime...hhmmm this almost feels like spring has finally arrived! Spring in Sweden, that is, which is all relative, hey! But in any case, it was a good...
9 mars 2012

Day 5/5

Day 5/5
Last day at Manilla Skolan today and also...Lili's 9th birthday!!! To make the day a little more special, I had promised Lili that we could go up Kaknäs Tornet after I picked up from school, to have a sneaky hot chocolate and cake. Even though the sun...
8 mars 2012

Day 4/5

Day 4/5
Fourth day into Lili's unusual week. This time Lili made the trip, to the school and back, with her Dadd,y as I had to get in to work early. So Pete was the one to experience the interesting journey to Manilla. The 69 bus route is definitely one of the...
7 mars 2012

Day 3/5

Day 3/5
Another day, another couple of trips to and from Manilla Skolan. The surroundings are still as beautiful as on Monday, except that a very very very cold wind has been blowing all day and made the waiting at the bus stop a tad chilly. Lili is still enjoying...
6 mars 2012

Day 2/5

Day 2/5
Tuesday was spent at Manilla Skolan again for Lili. Weare beginning to love the morning trip on bus 69, even though it means leaving home somewhat earlier than usual. The route takes us along Strandvägen, fairly deserted at that time of day. We can admire...
5 mars 2012

Day 1/5

Day 1/5
An unusual week started for Lili today. It was the opening of her first "sign language week". Indeed, as we discovered it back in October, Lili (and Otto in two years' time) is entitled a whole education in sign language in order to give her the means...
3 mars 2012


It was promised in the paper for today - a great sunny day with impeccable blue sky! We had first thought of going round Djurgården but instead went to Stora Skuggan, just because the bus 40 came before the bus 69...Good impromptu choice really: the woods...
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{ C' E S T   L A   V I E }