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30 août 2007

Happy birthday Mademoiselle Poppy!

Happy birthday Mademoiselle Poppy!
There were presents.... Some quite surprising... And of course...Poppy Marie Charlotta had to taste her first charlotte! Any child's first birthday is special, but this one was especially joyful for us! We are SO HAPPY, so moved, so relieved to be able...
28 août 2007

Fun run

Fun run
The Tjejmilen is the biggest race for women only in Sweden! I registered (foolishly) back in May, thinking I would have loads of time to train over the summer...Hhhhmmm, things never go as planned, do they? Anyhow, I had to run it for Poppy I had told...
27 août 2007

Poppy's little celebration

Poppy's little celebration
A bit early but it did not matter...Happy and pink was our Saturday, with lots of smiles, jolly singing and pretty bubbly champagne!!! Thanks to all of you who came and spoiled our little angel! There'll be more on the subject in a few days'time...
23 août 2007

Look at the cook!

Look at the cook!
This morning Poppy went to visit her friend Ammy at the rehab' centre, for her now resumed weekly training. Ammy had last seen Pops in July and was today impressed with her newly gained strength, especially in her arms and legs. The fact that with a little...
21 août 2007


Today we took Poppy to see the neurologist at the hospital, as planned after the holiday period. Good news on all fronts: her growth is very healthy indeed (11kg for 78cm, ie 24lb for 2ft7in for those still not accustomed to metric), her development very...
20 août 2007

A very cuddly baby #2

A very cuddly baby #2
I could spend hours like this...
20 août 2007

A very cuddly baby

A very cuddly baby
Did you know that the gestation period for Barbababies could be as short as a week? Well, there you are: our Barba-couple are proud to announce the birth of a pretty Barbabelle, born Friday 17th August at 11.59pm, weighing around 75g (that's about 2.5...
16 août 2007

Kitchen #2

Kitchen #2
Something that did not appear on the previous shots but is currently adorning our kitchen, Scandinavian-style: please meet our friend the white (chocolate) moose! He was recently adopted, possibly in subliminal connection with our stay in Älgö, literally...
16 août 2007

Comfort food

Comfort food
So, here were the elements of today's challenge: rainy day, no school for Lili (tutors' training day), Poppy at home as usual, an appointment with the speech therapist at 1pm that annoyingly cuts the day in half, Pete at work. Well, well, well...Good...
13 août 2007

Great greys and greens

Great greys and greens
On our new camera there's a function that I discovered only today. See what I mean... Great to feel that I can do special effects all by myself!
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