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{ C' E S T L A V I E }
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25 avril 2020

Paddling season open

Paddling season open
The pictures don't do the weather justice: it was quite sunny when Pete decided to try his second kayak - the one he finished last autumn, days before the first snow... Thankfully this single vessel floats very well and did not capsize or anything. Poppy...
25 avril 2020


and needed - comfort food! My third batch of sourdough turned out OK. Still trying to get a better result - more fluffly inside and more crusty inside. New attempt tomorrow.
19 avril 2020

A second look

A second look
Poppy and I went to riding on Thursday and since it was quite nice weather and we had a bit of time, we walked to the farm that is not very far at all. It was another chance to see the lovely calves again, as well as welcome to the world a few new lambs....
19 avril 2020

Easter bun ease...

Easter bun ease...
for my Easter bunnies :-) First time I was making them, and they turned out really well! These hot-cross buns pleased everyone (apart Lili who hates sultnanas). I took some to our nice neighbours, Maud and Björn, who usually look after Flash and Basil...
11 avril 2020

Youth at the farm

Youth at the farm
This was the actual goal of our looooonnnnnng walk today: I had seen that the organic farm, near where Poppy goes riding, had just had calves and lamb (two born just yesterday!) and suggested that we went to see them. Lamb for Easter, but in another logic...
11 avril 2020

Children on wood

Children on wood
Our children seem to be inspired by their surroundings: Lili climbs up a tree, Otto meditates on a fallen trunk and Poppy claps a beat on a found wooden chair. Very photogenic :-)
11 avril 2020


We walked to 'beaver beach' (i e the beach found around a path that struck us as having been visited by a lot of beavers, as so many trees had marks of their typical way of gnawing on the wood, hence the name we gave it) and then carried on round the...
11 avril 2020

Flowers galore

Flowers galore
It is really the best season for small touches of colours in our woods still lacking leaves: everywhere we went today, we found carpets of blue and white anemones as well as the so typically Swedish bright yellow 'tussilago', the first flower to come...
10 avril 2020

By the lake, a snake and a frog

By the lake, a snake and a frog
Another walk, another view of our lake, Mälaren. New discoveries, too: a pretty hazelnut snake slithering at our feet as we are enjoying a little pause by the water, and, later on, happy yet still frogs guarding their eggs as we walk pass their ditch...
10 avril 2020


Do our cats appreciate our constant presence at home? it is difficult to say... but they seem to enjoy the simple comforts offered: Flash in a 'princess and the pea' pose, Basil defiant on the dinner-table... who is ruling in this house, I wonder...
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