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{ C' E S T L A V I E }
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20 mars 2010

Special day


...for me, that is - it was my birthday* today! And the first day of spring!
Blue sky and warmer sun! Good enough reasons to hop on a bus to a busy Skansen - we were not the only family itching to enjoy some outdoor entertainment after so many weeks of cold snowy weather. We paid a visit to the fat seals sunbathing on the ice, watched the elks munch stoically on their straw and even caught a few glimpses of the otters jumping in and out of the water.
Otto got a bit scared by a goat who meeeeeehhhhhed at him, Poppy looked at the moose with interest and Lili spent her time rushing us from one area to another and perpetually hungry. All fun.
We even found a little cluster of snowdrops ready to blossom!!!

If I add to all that the pleasure of opening cards and presents this morning, I think I can sum it up as a perfect day! Thanks everyone!

*Happy birthday, Sophie-Agnes! J'espere qu'il faisait aussi beau a Dublin! X

zut, décalage horaire! Mais je suis encore ds les temps ici ;-)!!
Je me suis dis que je viendrai faire un petit tour par ici aujourd'hui, j'ai bien fait! :) Merci, joyeux anniversaire à toi aussi! Et oui le printemps tient ses promesses, journée ensoleillée même à Dublin. Ta famille est toujours aussi jolie. Des gros bisous et à un de ces jours!
{ C' E S T   L A   V I E }