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{ C' E S T L A V I E }
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26 juin 2010

3 (!)


This blog is 3 years-old! Already! I would not have imagined it when I started it, but I guess it's just as well, as it demonstrates its original raison-d'etre: a modest endeavour to record days and events as they come along, with no real intention nor purpose other than to reflect the flow of  (happy, mostly) life in amongst us, 5 now.
For those who are away, family and friends, and can, thus, pop in and say hello, catch a glimpse of our family life, keep track of our whereabouts over here, up North, in nordic Sweden.
Thanks again for your regular or more occasional visits, which are all dear to me, as signs of friendship and affection. Keep popping in!

Thanks! It is certainly a pleasure to feed this blog, especially when my little finger tells me it is being watched and read by familiar and dear people. I hope I can carry on with it despite the lack of time but I'll try my best- it's my little luxury after all, to have this favourite place to fill with my own stuff ;-)
Long may you keep posting entries on your blog. It has been (and is) a wonderful way for us to keep in touch with you and the children. It is also an excellent record of all the day-to-day activities and "happenings" which otherwise get lost in the mists of time.<br /> <br /> I wish you "many happy returns" to your blogging!<br /> Love from Rosemary<br /> X
{ C' E S T   L A   V I E }