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1 septembre 2012

Wet, wet, wet



...but a great sense of achievement after completing the Tjejmilen (Sweden's female-only 10K race) for the third time. Quite pleased with my performance (58.32) given the limited amount of training (as usual, time is soooo difficult to find!). Next year it will beeven better, let's start training now and never stop until then! Now that would be an amazing achievement :-)

My running shoes are in dire need of a machine-wash - it had rained all day yesterday and today when we started, the whole field at start and finish was a total mud bath, yuck!

Now I think I'll have an early night...


Hej! <br /> <br /> Nu hittade jag fram att man kan skriva! Bättre sent än aldrig. ;)<br /> <br /> Vad stora barnen blivit över sommaren! <br /> <br /> Hoppas allt gått bra med skola för Pops, och att hon trivs. :) <br /> <br /> Och jag hoppas att det är bra med er alla! :) <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Hälsa alla! Massa kramar från Sara ( resurs på Sture )
Well done for even attempting 10K in the rain and for getting such a good time, too.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> I have just looked at your "Botanical" post, too - it's supposed to be "Sunshine and Showers" but you had a weekend of "Flowers and Showers"!!<br /> <br /> Glad Grand-mere enjoyed it too - you will miss her when she goes back to France. Give her our love and love to you all from<br /> <br /> Rosemary/Mum/Grandma<br /> <br /> XXXxxx
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